1. Personal identification information containing all or part of a person’s Social Security number; driver’s license number; personal financial information; home, cellular or personal telephone numbers; personal email addresses; employee number or other confidential personal identification number; a spouse’s name; marital status, beneficiary or dependent information; or the home address of a law enforcement officer or judge. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the release of the name, position, salary, actual compensation or other payments or expenses, employment contract, employment-related contract or agreement and length of service of a public official or an agency employee. The Borough may redact the name or other identifying information relating to an individual performing an undercover or covert law enforcement activity from a record.
    2. The following employee information:1.        letter of reference or recommendation on the character or qualifications of an identifiable individual, unless it was prepared in relation to the appointment of an individual to fill a vacancy in an elected office or an appointed office requiring Senate confirmation
      2.         performance rating or review,
      results of a civil service or similar test. Only test scores of individuals who obtained a passing score on a test administered by a local agency may be disclosed.
      employment application of an individual who is not
      hired by the agency.
      5.          Workplace support services program information.
      Written criticisms of an employee.
      Grievance material, including documents related to
      discrimination or sexual harassment.
      8.            Information regarding discipline, demotion or discharge contained in a personnel file. This subparagraph shall not apply to the final action of an agency that results in demotion or       discharge.
      An academic transcript.