Note:  Attachment A – Open Records Law – Exemptions (Page 5) & Request Form (Page 12)

Effective Date January 1, 2009


  1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to assure compliance with Act 3 of 2008, The Pennsylvania Right- to-Know Law, as amended; to provide access to public records of the Milesburg Borough; to preserve the integrity of the Borough’s records; and to minimize the financial impact of the residents regarding the resources utilized in the receipt and processing of public record request and the retrieval and copying of public records.


  1. Public Records

A “Public Record” is defined as any record, including financial records, of a Commonwealth or local agency that is not exempt under section 708 of Act 3 of 2008, that is not exempt from being disclosed under any other Federal or State law or regulation or judicial order or decree, or that is not protected by a privilege. Exemptions are included as a part of this policy as Attachment A.

Records are information, regardless of physical form or characteristic, that documents a transaction or activity of an agency and that is created, received or retained pursuant to law or in connection with a transaction, business or activity of the Borough. The term includes a document, paper, letl:er, map, book, tape, photograph, film or sound recording, information stored or maintained electronically and a data-processed or image-processed document.


III. Inspection

Public records are open to inspection and for duplication by appointment, Monday through Friday, except for holidays, subject to the regulations set forth herein.